We will build individual and collective capacity to embody and apply Earth Wisdom in this week-long Immersion on The Ojo in Northern New Mexico.
OCTOBER 17-23, 2017
Key teachings and Activities:
- We will create a Medicine Wheel on the land, as a way of embodying our experience of The Twenty (20) Count and deepening our understanding of the 8 perspectives of the Way of the Council. The Twenty Count is the foundational wheel of the Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge and an energy map of the world as humans experience it, both the visible and the invisible.
- The Medicine Wheel will serve as an energetic structure for our work when on the land and a collective energetic touchstone for your own practice and integration of the teachings in your life and Work when you return home. Creating a Medicine Wheel in this tradition is an amazing and awe inspiring process. The beauty of it will touch your heart.
- We will introduce and work with the Way of the Council.
- We will hold a minimum of one formal Wisdom Council and explore diverse ways of applying this powerful framework in our lives and work. A few areas of possible interest might be:
- Personal discernment
- Healing practices
- Coaching – individual and group
- Teams & organizational – a systemic, strategic approach to engaging challenges
- Scaling – increasing the number of people involved
- We will dive deep into each of the 8 perspectives with specific teachings and activities on the land, to support the integration and embodiment of the Way of the Council within ourselves.
- You will create Arrows of Strategic Intent (a practice from the bundle of the teachings) to support you in implementing the Way of the Council and Power of the 8 in whatever ways have the most energy for you.
- We will introduce a practice called “dancehammering," which members of the group can use to continue learning together after the Immersion.
Post Immersion Guiding
- For those of you who may wish to explore integrating the teachings in multiple contexts of personal & professional life, and would value a little additional guidance, Accalia and/or myself, may be available to act as your guide(s) on this continuing journey. Please connect with us if you are interested in this opportunity.
- You may also request one or more virtual calls to explore specific teachings in a small group.
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Power of the 8
Below is a bit more detail about the different foci we will explore as we dive deeper into the 8 perspectives:
- Breaking free of limitation to move beyond current paradigms and tap into unlimited potential
- A pathway for opening to and living in the present moment
- Harnessing the power of our emotions in ways that build trust
- A pathway for remembering and aligning with purpose
- Practices to strengthen and nurture the individual and the whole
- Understanding of cycles and conscious participation in the web of cause and effect
- Creating strategies and utilizing resources to move to action in service of the whole
- Growing ability to source and shift energy in service of all life
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Pattern and Rhythm of our time on the ojo
Tuesday Afternoon
1-3pm Arrival on The Ojo
- You may arrive anytime between 1-3pm.
- If you are camping please set up your camp before 3pm.
3pmOrientation to The Ojo
- We learn about the being on The Ojo and set up Camp Care Clans.
- We introduce a protocol from the Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge to bring ourselves fully present with the Land and with each other.
4pm Opening Ceremony
- We formally open our Immersion experience with a welcome and another sacred protocol to continue the weaving of our container.
6:30pm Dinner and extraordinary conversation
8:30pm Closing the Day and Seeding our Dream Time
Wednesday (Oct. 18) through Tuesday (Oct. 23)
These days follow a rhythm and flow that evolves as your guides listen each day for ‘what is needed?’ to move deeper with beauty and grace.
• 7:30am Early morning practice
• 8:30am Breakfast and camp care
• 10:00amMorning gathering begins with a time of opening the teaching to be worked with during the day. Followed by a combination of time on your own, and with others, to engage with practices and activities designed to explore and integrate the teachings in partnership with the Land.
• Lunch and camp care
• 2:00pm Continuing teaching, exploration and integration.
• 6:30pm Dinner and camp care
• 8:00pm Evening collective reflection will take diverse forms each day.
• 9:00pm Completion for the day
• 10:00pm Silence until 7:00am the next morning.
Tuesday (Oct. 23) Closing Stringing and Celebration Dinner
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Exchange: The tuition for the Immersion is $1200 inclusive of all meals. Travel and lodging are additional. Camping onsite is available on The Ojo for $20/night, and includes hot shower facilities and composting toilets. Scholarship help may be available. If you are sensing a strong “yes” and money is a challenge please speak with us to explore possibilities
Space in our circle. There will be a maximum of 16 in our circle. A minimum of 8 people is required. Please support the circle by inviting others in your networks who you feel would benefit from and value this experience.
To reserve your place in this circle please send a non-refundable deposit of $300. Your deposit will be refunded should the program not move forward.
You may send a check made out to Glenna Gerard to PO Box 1191, Espanola, NM 87532. Or use "friends and family' within PayPal to send to glenna49@earthlink.net.
Questions: If you have further questions regarding the program please Contact Us.