In the Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge Dreaming is an act of creating within the visible and invisible realms of our reality.  The Dream is a blueprint that calls in the resources to manifest the reality we wish to live.


This is the Dream

The voice of all of Life is getting stronger. The yearning within the people to remember who they are is growing. As we sit in the FireCircle listening to all the voices, the Flicker comes in Beauty, the Trees bow with the wind and respect for our words, Mother Earth rises to support us and the Water offers her Wisdom.

We humans are remembering and growing, evolving our partnership with all of Life.  Aware of ourselves as interconnected, we listen deeply, tapping the collective wisdom of All Our Relations as we make choices that impact all beings, human, plant, and animal.

As Sacred Humans, it is time to listen deeply and to evolve a new story. To consciously co-create the change we seek. We are living in co-creative symbiosis with all Life on planet Earth.  Our leaders hold a high consciousness of being at cause within the web of Life.  With respect, they expand their listening, opening minds and hearts, to welcome the collective wisdom of all beings, as they set strategies and take action.  

The Way of the Council connects us to the power of the 8 perspectives that bring wholeness. The Way of the Council is fully alive and evolving, in service of all Life,  as it once was and is now once more.

By offering this journey the Dream is to seed a new and ancient way of governance that calls us forward.

It is time.


This is the Dream.