We are calling in anyone and everyone who seeks to be the change you wish to see in the world. As a change agent, you are aware that you are the instrument. Your personal and professional development are essential to creating profound impact and experiencing joy and well-being.
If you resonate with one or more of the following we hope you will honor us by joining us in this deep dive:
- You see your life and work as a response to the question “What is needed for wholeness within ourselves, our human structures and our relationships with All Life?”
- You are ready, and eager, to discover the next generation of leadership
- You are a continuous learner, building capacity to bring your unique gift(s) ever more fully into your life and work
- You recognize and appreciate the power of accessing diverse intelligences and ways of knowing
- You work with individuals, groups, organizations and/or communities to access collective wisdom
- You seek and utilize holistic, systems frameworks that enable humans to work and live together with joy and generosity
- You know the value of engaging with a vital learning circle